Saturday, November 7, 2020

Advanced Analytics on OAS with R, R-packages

Installing R and R Packages on OAS 5.5.0

The main objective of this post is to give step-by-step "Installing of R and R-Packages" in an Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) 5.5.0. Similar steps were followed earlier on OBIEE environments as well.
Here I have the target installing platform is "Oracle Linux" same steps will work for all RHEL flavors.

What is R?

R is open-source programming language and it is specially designed as scripting environment for statistical computing and Visualization graphics. R programming evolving since 1994, as an alternative to SAS, SPSS, and other proprietary Statistical environments. 

Advanced Analytics on OAS as R client

R Environments with a rich set of packages to enhance productivity in businesses such as : 
  • Spatial Statistics 
  • Financial Market analysis 
  • Bioinformatics 
  • Social Network analysis

What is the purpose of this installation?

In the data Analytics, there is huge scope for external Logical SQL functions such as "EVALUATE_SCRIPT", "FORECAST", and "CLUSTER" feed input data to the standalone R-process or to Oracle R Enterprise. To use such powerful advanced analytics function, we must install either the R or Oracle R Enterprise external engine in your environment. Here is my story Oracle Analytics using R for Advanced Analytics. R is a widely used environment for statistical computing and graphics and can be used with many different data sources including external files or databases.

Oracle R as a data miner helps the Business to formulate strategies and plan in advance for the possible road blockers. statistical models and quantitative analysis sits at the core of data science and measures past performance to predict the future.


* Locate the 'Rinstaller' folder in the OAS isntalll directory within the given path: /bifoundation/advanced_analytics/
For example on my VM:
This (R installer distribution) will be supporting Oracle Linux 6 and 7.x versions and also Windows versions.
unzip -d /tmp/
cd /tmp/Rinstaller
After extraction, You can follow README.txt file.

Install of R 3.1.1 on Linux platform

The R installer needs to run from the root user.
Step 1: Set your proxy URL (specific to your company if exists) in the proxy.txt file. For example proxy.txt content as: proxy=http://www-proxy-company-url:80
Step 2: install the TexLive and TexInfo RPMs You can locate the rpm installers at :;O=A texlive-epsf-svn21461.2.7.4-32.el7.noarch.rpm and texinfo-tex-5.1-4.el7.x86_64.rpm
Confirm that required OL packages are (already exists in the Tex library path) installed.
[root@localhost tex-rpms]# rpm -qa | grep -i texinfo-tex

[root@localhost tex-rpms]#  rpm -qa | grep -i texlive-epsf
If not installed try with the latest versions:
rpm -ivh texlive-epsf-svn21461.
rpm -ivh texinfo-tex-5.1-4.el7.x86_64.rpm

Step 3: Install R 3.1.1 Check the Usage options for RInstaller:
Usage ./RInstaller { install | installpackages | uninstall }
Let's run install command option
./ install
respond to Y/n with y
You could see last screen ends as :
  R.x86_64 0:3.1.1-2.el7

Dependency Installed:
  R-core.x86_64 0:3.1.1-2.el7   R-devel.x86_64 0:3.1.1-2.el7   libRmath.x86_64 0:3.1.1-2.el7   libRmath-devel.x86_64 0:3.1.1-2.el7

################# Install of R 3.1.1 ...successful ######################

Step 4: Install R dependent packages for Advanced Analytics along with the OASAdvancedAnalytics R package
./ installpackages
Do you want to continue (y/n)y
And at the end of the installation, you could see
#################  R Dependency Package Install Complete ######################

Further readings: 

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